Investors in warrants do not receive the dividends paid on the underlying, nor or do they directly participate in rights or bonus issues. 持权证的投资者不会获派正股股息,亦不会直接参予供股或红股。
Could you give us information on dividends paid and stock splits that have occurred in the last two years? 您能提供我们过去两年股息支付和股票分割的资料吗?
Now people can pay their insurance premiums or subscription money in renminbi, and coupons and dividends can be paid in the currency. 现在人们可以用人民币支付保费或认购款,相关机构也可以用人民币支付券息和股息。
Then, for the next two years, dividends will be paid in newly issued shares. 然后,未来两年,股息将以新发行股票的形式派发。
In the case of income from interest, dividends and extra dividends, the income derived each time interest, dividends or extra dividends are paid; 利息、股息、红利所得,以支付利息、股息红利时取得的收入为一次。
Frequently, the sum of the bonus contributions in investment banking has exceeded the dividends paid to the shareholders. 投行发放的奖金数额经常超过派发给股东的股息。
The equity holders of a company enjoy the residual profits after all other claims, such as interest and dividends, are paid. 在支付利息和股息等其他所有财务要求之后,一家公司的股权持有者享有剩余利润。
How is free cash flow related to dividends paid out? 自由现金流如何与股利支付相关?
This paragraph shall not affect the taxation of the company in respect of the profits out of which the dividends are paid. 本款不应影响对该公司支付股息前的利润所征收的公司利润税。
The move will also apply to dividends paid by Chinese listed companies to foreign shareholders through the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor scheme. 此举还将适用于中国上市公司在合格境外机构投资者(QFII)机制下向境外股东支付的股息。
Dividends in the MSCI Asia Pacific index are derived from companies in 14 countries, with the top 10 dividend payers accounting for about a fifth of total dividends paid. 摩根士丹利资本国际亚太指数的红利来自于14个国家的公司,其中前10大红利支付公司的红利支付占到了红利支付总额的大约五分之一。
Unlike the treatment of interest on bonds, dividends paid to shareholders are not a tax deductible business expense for the corporation. 付给股东的红利不同于债券的利息,不能作为公司营业支出而减税。
Long-term money that need never be paid back, and for which dividends are paid when profits permit. ·不必归还的长期贷款,但当公司盈利时要付股息。
Dividends paid to stockholders are not tax deductible. 而支付给股东的股息不能从应税所得中减除。
Dividends are paid in gross terms, therefore Income Tax on profits distributed is paid by Shareholders. 股息以毛额分配,因此,有关股息分配之所得税由股东支付。
Automating the date that dividends are paid. 自动支付股息的日期。
It said the rise in foreign ownership made it harder to justify taxing foreign dividends paid to British companies. 财政部表示,外资控股比例的上升,使财政部更难证明对英国公司所得外资股息征税的合理性。
Dividends are paid only through action by the board of directors. 股利只有通过董事会的批准才能支付。
Dividends may be paid in the form of cash or stock although a company is under no obligation to pay a dividend of any kind to its common shareholders. 公司可以用现金或股票的形式支付股息,虽然公司并没有义务给它的普通股股东分红。
As long as the credit line is extended, no dividends should be paid. 只要信用额度有所扩大,就不应向股东支付任何红利。
Hutchison, however, has been stingy with dividends and last paid out a yield of 2.2 per cent. 然而,和记黄埔在分红方面很吝啬,最近一次只有派发了2.2%的股息。
Its statement did not detail how or according to what formula the dividends would be paid. 但声明中没有详细提到如何或根据怎样的公式支付红利。
Taxes on dividends are then paid by the shareholders when they repatriate their dividends home wherever that may be. 接着在股东将股息汇回家中(不管何地)时,股东将支付股息税。
Double taxation: a term widely used to describe double taxation of corporate earnings, once through corporate income tax and again through taxation of corporate dividends paid out of after-tax earnings. 双重征税:这一名词被广泛用来描述对公司收益的双重征税:一次是通过对公司所得征税;再一次是通过对公司税后收益中支付的公司红利征税。
In this model, no dividends are paid if the insurer's surplus is below certain threshold level and dividends are paid at a constant rate less than the premium rate when the surplus is above this threshold level. 在这类模型下,若保险公司的盈余不高于某给定水平,则无红利支付;若保险公司的盈余高于给定水平,则按不大于保费率的一常数支付率支付红利。
Stock concentration is negatively correlated with the level of cash dividends paid, but the correlation is not significant. 股权集中度与现金股利支付水平负相关,但相关性不显著。
Board size and proportion of independent directors not related to the level of cash dividends paid. 董事会规模和独立董事比例与现金股利支付水平不相关。